8 research outputs found

    Compliance Behaviour in Europe in the Early Stages of the Covid-19 Pandemic: What Can We Learn from Game Theory and Experimental Economics?

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    Studije diljem Europe pokazale su da se ljudi u ranim fazama pandemije COVID-19 nisu u potpunosti pridržavali preventivnih mjera i preporuka koje su dale vlasti. Kao što je vidljivo, stope usklađenosti mogu ovisiti o mnogim različitim čimbenicima, uključujući osobine ličnosti, spol, dob, pa čak i iracionalno vjerovanje u teorije zavjere. Ovi nalazi naglašavaju heterogenost među ljudima i, u kombinaciji s uvidima iz teorije igara i eksperimentalne ekonomije, sugeriraju da bi bilo teško održati visoke stope usklađenosti i spriječiti širenje smrtonosnog virusa bez uvođenja strožih mjera koje su kasnije usvojene.Studies across Europe have shown that in the early phases of the COVID-19 pandemic people did not fully comply with preventive measures and recommendations given by the authorities. As evidenced, compliance rates may depend on many different factors, including personality traits, gender, age, and even irrational beliefs in conspiracy theories. These findings highlight heterogeneity among people and, in combination with insights from game theory and experimental economics, suggest that it would be difficult to sustain high compliance rates and prevent the spread of the deadly virus without imposing stricter measures that were adopted later

    To Pollute or Not To Pollute? Exploring MARPOL Efficiency in the Adriatic Sea

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    This study explores the efficiency level of the current international regulatory framework (MARPOL) in preventing sea pollution during maritime transportation. We employ a game-theoretic approach that models the decisions of shipowners and countries, with respect to the treatment and disposal of waste, where shipowners\u27 decisions are based on comprehensive estimations of all waste management costs for all categories of waste (i.e. all MARPOL Annexes) differentiated across six types of standard risk vessels, while countries\u27 decisions are based on estimates of all societal costs of (im)proper ship waste management. We focus on the Adriatic Sea case study and evaluate the game separately for members and non-members of the Paris Memorandum of Understanding (Paris MoU). Our main results seem to indicate that shipowners are generally motivated to be environmentally friendly if sailing Paris MoU waters. Otherwise, shipowners are merely motivated to pollute, due to low inspection rates and expected fines.This study explores the efficiency level of the current international regulatory framework (MARPOL) in preventing sea pollution during maritime transportation. We employ a game-theoretic approach that models the decisions of shipowners and countries, with respect to the treatment and disposal of waste, where shipowners\u27 decisions are based on comprehensive estimations of all waste management costs for all categories of waste (i.e. all MARPOL Annexes) differentiated across six types of standard risk vessels, while countries\u27 decisions are based on estimates of all societal costs of (im)proper ship waste management. We focus on the Adriatic Sea case study and evaluate the game separately for members and non-members of the Paris Memorandum of Understanding (Paris MoU). Our main results seem to indicate that shipowners are generally motivated to be environmentally friendly if sailing Paris MoU waters. Otherwise, shipowners are merely motivated to pollute, due to low inspection rates and expected fines

    Dynamics of deception between strangers

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    Behavioral traits across time and countries

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    Compliance Behaviour in Europe in the Early Stages of the Covid-19 Pandemic: What Can We Learn from Game Theory and Experimental Economics?

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    Studies across Europe have shown that in the early phases of the COVID-19 pandemic people did not fully comply with preventive measures and recommendations given by the authorities. As evidenced, compliance rates may depend on many different factors, including personality traits, gender, age, and even irrational beliefs in conspiracy theories. These findings highlight heterogeneity among people and, in combination with insights from game theory and experimental economics, suggest that it would be difficult to sustain high compliance rates and prevent the spread of the deadly virus without imposing stricter measures that were adopted later

    Kazalniki človeške socialnosti v sloveniji in na nizozemskem: laboratorijski poskusi med študent

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    In the article we report a series of experiments with volunteers designed to detect differences in behavioural characteristics among Slovenian, Dutch and international students. Using eight standard tasks from experimental economics, we investigate the differences using experimental measures of solidarity, trust, cooperation, positive and negative reciprocity, competition, honesty, and risk attitudes. No significant cohort effects in any of the eight decisions are found when we compare the Slovenian and international cohorts. Still, when comparing the Dutch and Slovenian cohorts, Dutch students are found to exhibit lower levels of solidarity, generosity and honesty. This points to differences in sociality between institutionally similar yet ideologically distant countries like Slovenia and the Netherlands.V članku poročamo o nizu ekonomskih poskusov s prostovoljci, zasnovanim za preučevanje razlik v vedenjskih značilnostih med slovenskimi, nizozemskimi in mednarodnimi študenti, ki obiskujejo študij zunaj države rojstva. S pomočjo osmih standardnih nalog (iger) s področja eksperimentalne ekonomije smo opazovali razlike med tremi skupinami udeležencev v solidarnosti, zaupanju, sodelovanju, pozitivni in negativni recipročnosti, dominantnosti, poštenosti in odnosu do tveganja. V nobeni od osmih nalog nismo zaznali značilnih razlik med slovenskimi in mednarodnimi študenti. V primerjavi z nizozemskimi študenti pa smo opazili, da so slovenski študenti bolj solidarni, radodarni in pošteni. To nakazuje na razlike v socialnosti med institucionalno podobnimi, a ideološko različnimi državami, kot sta Slovenija in Nizozemsk